Leadership Opportunities in District 5 Toastmasters

Lead District 5

Volunteer for a leadership position in District 5. Nominations are due in early February. Elections take place at the end of April each year.

The roles:

District Director

As the District Director, you are responsible for directly overseeing and managing the District’s day-to-day operations, finances, and human resources. Fortunately, you have a team of District leaders to help you fulfill these responsibilities. You must empower your District leadership team to work together toward the District mission, while supporting each one in his or her development as a leader. Together with your District leadership team, you participate in District Leader Training, Mid-year Training, and online tutorials. To serve as District Director, you must have served at least six consecutive months as a club president and at least 12 consecutive months as a Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, Division Director, or a combination thereof at the time you take office. This position requires a one year commitment (July 1 thru June 30) and fulfills a requirement for DTM.

Leadership Opportunities under the direction of the District Director:

As Area Director, you serve as the direct liaison between the District and the clubs. The District Administrative Bylaws provide for the selection of Area Directors either by appointment by the District Director or by election by the area councils. Toastmasters International recommends that District Directors appoint Area Directors. Area Directors conduct club visits twice a year within their respective areas to understand and support club needs. In turn, these visits help District leaders understand how to support and meet the needs of each club. It is important that area directors have the support they need to serve clubs. The success of the District depends on it. Area Directors are eligible for re-election or re-appointment for one succeeding term only. Ideally, Area Directors have served as members of a District council.

This position requires a one year commitment (July 1 thru June 30) and fulfills a requirement for DTM.

As Division Director, your job is to lead and support the division through the supervision and support of the Area Directors. One of your primary goals as Division Director is to ensure that each club achieves its mission and fulfills its responsibilities to its members. To achieve this, you coordinate Division activities, set Division goals, and assist in the training of area and club leaders. To serve as Division Director, you must have served at least six consecutive months as a member of a District council. The Division Director may be re-elected to one succeeding term.

This position requires a one year commitment (July 1 thru June 30) and fulfills a requirement for DTM.

As the Administration Manager, you are responsible for maintaining the historical records of the District, recording and distributing meeting minutes, and otherwise maintaining accurate, timely records of District business. The Administration Manager may be elected or appointed at the will of the District Director, subject to the approval of the District executive committee and confirmation by the District council. You are eligible for re-election or re-appointment for one succeeding term only. The office of Administration Manager and Finance Manager may be combined.

This position requires a one year commitment (July 1 thru June 30) and fulfills a requirement for DTM.

As the Finance manager, you are tasked with the fiscal oversight and management of the District. The finance manager works closely with the District Director, Program Quality Director, and Club Growth Director to ensure that the district is making cost-effective decisions—within policy—that result in effective fiscal management. The Finance Manager should have knowledge of accounting and be acquainted with the handling of financial matters. The Finance Manager may be elected or appointed at the will of the District Director, subject to the approval of the District executive committee and confirmation by the District council. You are eligible for re-election or re-appointment for one succeeding term only. The office of Administration Manager and Finance Manager may be combined.

This position requires a one year commitment (July 1 thru June 30) and fulfills a requirement for DTM.

The committee is made up of a minimum of 3 committee members with one member serving as the Audit Committee Chair. The audit committee has a responsibility to ensure that the Mid-year and Year-end Profit and Loss Statements accurately reflect District income and expenses. Both District audits are included in the World Headquarters tax information filed with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service every year.

This position requires a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30.

The Logistics Manager selects meeting locations and organizes the room, ensuring the atmosphere is conducive to successful events, such as business meetings, speech contests, and training. The logistics manager sets up necessary equipment, assists district leaders with meeting arrangements, distributes program materials, keeps track of District property, and addresses disruptions during events. A track record of organization and diplomacy are a must for this role.

This position requires a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30.

The Parliamentarian assists the District Director with planning and conducting District meetings. Responsibilities of the Parliamentarian include interpreting Toastmasters bylaws and policies, reviewing District operating procedures as requested by the District Director, and ensuring all meetings follow proper protocol. The Parliamentarian is an invaluable resource for the District Director, offering help, guidance, and support during meetings and answering any questions the District Director has related to rules and procedures. Members who assume this role must have a thorough understanding of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.

This position requires a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30.

Responsible for providing food for various District event.

This position requires a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30.

Responsible for providing awards and certificates as needed for District events and recognition.

This position requires a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30.

Responsible for sending out condolences on behalf of the District.

This position requires a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30.

This committee is made up of past District leaders who help advise the District Director as needed on District matters. Members are selected by the committee chair with approval of the District Director.

This position requires a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30.

The District Leadership Committee shall select candidates for the elective District offices. The District Director shall appoint the Chairperson of the committee.

This position requires a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30.

Program Quality Director

As the program quality director, you are responsible for all aspects of education and training within the district. This includes supporting quality club programming efforts, promoting the Distinguished Club Program, and planning and executing the district conference. Together with your district leadership team, you participate in District Leader Training, Mid-year Training, and online tutorials. . To be program quality director, you must have served at least six consecutive months as club president and at least 12 consecutive months as a club growth director, division director, or area director. Once you serve as program quality director and training for a full year, you may not be re-elected to the same office for a succeeding term. This position requires a one year commitment (July 1 thru June 30) and fulfills a requirement for DTM.

Leadership Opportunities under the direction of the Program Quality Director:

Finds locations to hold club officer training, recruits club officer trainers, provides training materials for club officer trainers, works with printer to ensure all training materials/handouts are available at club officer training, maintains records of all club officer trained for submission to Toastmasters International. Provides records to Division/Area Directors for review.

This position requires a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30.

Responsible for training members who wish to be a club officer trainer.

This position requires holding two trainings.

Plans, prepares, and produces the semiannual District approved club officer training events. Oversees the work of the committee and sub-committees involved with finding sites, working with facilities and caterers, preparing registration and marketing materials; identifying and training session facilitators; scheduling onsite support staff, and coordinating efforts toward an affordable and enriching leadership training experience for club officers.

This position can be divided into a two chair position one for July and one for January. Being a TLI Chair fulfills one of the requirements for Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) and can be used as a High Performance Project (HPL) which fulfills another requirement for DTM.

This position requires two, 3 month commitments, May thru July & Nov thru January.

Plans, prepares and produces the semi-annual District conferences. Oversees the work of the committee and sub-committees (registration desk, Gift Basket Challenge, Flyer/Program design etc…), involved with finding a site, working with the selected hotel, and coordinating efforts towards an affordable and enriching conference experience for attendees.

This position requires a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30.

Plans, prepares and produces the semi-annual District conferences. Oversees the work of the committee and sub-committees (registration desk, Gift Basket Challenge, Flyer/Program design etc…) involved with finding a site, working with the selected hotel, and coordinating efforts towards an affordable and enriching conference experience for attendees.

This position requires a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30.

Provides expertise, training, and oversight for club, area, division and district speech contests. Maintains a chief judge/judges list. Serves as Chief Judge for the district speech contests.

This position requires a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30.

Provides expertise, training, and oversight for club, area, division and district speech contests. Serves as Contest Chair at the district speech contests.

This position requires a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30. If resources are available other committees may be formed to assist the Program Quality Director.

Club Growth Director

As the club growth director, you are responsible for all aspects of marketing, club-building, and member- and club-retention efforts within the district. This includes defining an overall marketing strategy for the district, developing outreach and retention efforts with existing community and corporate clubs, and penetrating new markets. Additionally, the club growth director supports challenged clubs and helps them to become Distinguished. Together with your district leadership team, you participate in District Leader Training, Mid-year Training, and online tutorials. To be club growth director, you must have served at least six consecutive months as club president and at least 12 consecutive months as a program quality director, club growth director, division director, or area director. Once you serve as club growth director for a full year, you may not be re-elected to the same office for a succeeding term. This position requires a one year commitment (July 1 thru June 30) and fulfills a requirement for DTM.

Leadership Opportunities under the direction of the Club Growth Director:

The club extension chair forms a committee to assist in developing and follow-up on new club leads, delivers information and meets with potential new club representatives, and arranges launch meetings. Works closely with the Sponsor/Mentor Chair.

This position requires a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30.

Members are specifically trained for roles in a launch meeting such as Ice Breaker Speaker, speech evaluator, and table topics. The team works closely with the Club Extension Chair and Sponsor/Mentor Chair.

The commitment for this team varies.

Works closely with the Club Extension, division/area director with recruiting Club Sponsors and Mentors. New clubs may have up to two Sponsors who are responsible for the actual organization of the new club. Up to two Mentors may be appointed by the District Director. Mentors should be experienced Toastmasters who provide guidance during the first six months of the club’s existence. Sponsors and Mentors receive a certificate once the club is chartered. Being a Club Sponsor or Club Mentor fulfills one of the requirements for Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM).

Sponsor: This position requires a three month commitment.

Club Mentor: This position requires a six month commitment.

Is responsible for finding members who would like to serve as a coach for a struggling club. This position requires a one year commitment (July 1 thru June 30) Club Coach: A club with 12 or fewer members may ask the District to appoint a coach to help them plan for membership growth and achievement of Distinguished Club goals. The coach attends as many meetings as possible and remains with the club until it attains Distinguished status. The coach cannot be a member of the club before appointment. Being a Club Coach and support the club to be distinguished within two terms fulfills one of the requirements for Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM).

This position requires the coach to remain with the club until it attains Distinguished club status (this may require a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30th.

Once a year, Districts must review, if necessary, its alignment of clubs, Areas and Divisions. An alignment committee is formed to consider a plan that services the clubs in the most effective way possible and meets the requirements outlined in Policy and Protocol 7.0 District Structure, 1. Club Assignments. It is important for the committee to consider club growth as well as club loss when contemplating an alignment.

This committee requires a 2-3 month commitment.

If resources are available other committees may be formed to assist the Club Growth Director such as Open House Chair, Member Retention Chair, Club Mentor Program Chair.

Public Relations Manager

As the public relations manager, you are responsible for coordinating publicity efforts in the district. By establishing and maintaining lines of communication between the district and its members, as well as between the district and the public, you work to increase awareness of Toastmasters through all available media. The public relations manager may be elected or appointed at the will of the district director, subject to the approval of the district executive committee and confirmation by the district council. You are eligible for re-election or re-appointment for one succeeding term only. This position requires a one year commitment (July 1 thru June 30) and fulfills a requirement for DTM.

Leadership Opportunities under the direction of the Public Relations Manager:

Team members will help support the District Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Meetup and You Tube accounts.

The webmaster assists the District Director and Club Growth Director with updates to the District website. Although the District Director is the publisher of the District website and ultimately responsible for its content, the webmaster plays an important role in maintaining the website. This involves posting District announcements, removing outdated content, and troubleshooting functionality issues. Members who typically excel in this role are Internet savvy and creative.

This position requires a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30.

Our mission is to connect our members with speaking engagements that add value to the community, promote Toastmasters, and advance the speaker’s career. The Speakers Bureau supports the community by providing outstanding speakers for local businesses and organizations. At the same time, our members get the opportunity to showcase the presentation skills they’ve developed through their extensive Toastmasters training.

This position requires a one year commitment, July 1 thru June 30. If resources are available other committees may be formed to assist the Public Relations Manager.

*Some projects completed during the term of office as a chair or committee member may count towards the High Performance Leadership (HPL).