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High Performance Leadership features five projects offering instruction and practice in such vital leadership areas as developing a vision, goal-setting and planning, developing plans and strategies, and team-building. It also gives you feedback on your leadership skills. The program may be completed within your Toastmasters club, area or district, and even within your company or community.

Read more about HPL projects here →

Order an HPL book here →

The High Performance Leadership (HPL) project is designed to give members a chance to put into practice the skills needed for leadership. It helps members identify their leadership strengths and weaknesses.

An HPL is a project taken on by a member who is mentored and advised by their peers. You can chose any project to complete for your HPL as long as it has a specific, measurable and attainable goal (or outcome), and allows you to lead others.

As part of your HPL, you will choose a guidance committee to advise you throughout the project, and an action team to work with you to accomplish the project. Note, your action team can be fellow Toastmasters or another volunteer group.

Choosing your project

The project can be Toastmasters related, such as organizing an area competition and accomplishing a specific task (Division Director, Area Director), or for another organization such as a school, church or civic organization. The best projects are those that the public will benefit and allow you to apply your leadership and planning knowledge.

Use an High Performance Leadership project to achieve your Pathways project, or Advanced Leader Silver (ALS) award. Note, an HPL is both a requirement and an elective in Pathways Level 5 projects.

  • It is a criterion for 3 pathways: (1) Effective Coaching, (2) Innovative Planning and (3) Persuasive Influence
  • It is an elective to the rest of Pathways Level 5 projects (7 Pathways)

Get started

  • Ask your Area Director for an HPL book, or purchase the High Performance Leadership Project item #262 or Pathways Level 5 Item #8503.
  • Review the material in Section 1 and select a project.
  • Select and meet with your Guidance Committee.
  • Schedule your first presentation with your club, present Section 1 to the club.

Finalize your project goals

  • Make a commitment to your specific project.
  • Write your mission statement and list the core values of your project.
  • Meet with your Guidance Committee to review Section 2 and discuss Section 1.
  • Present your specific project to the club.

Begin your project

  • Recruit your Action Team, persons whom you will lead in accomplishing the project.
  • Create an action plan to achieve your mission.
  • Determine roles, goals and timetables for your project.
  • Meet with your Guidance Committee and present Section 3 to the club.

Do your project

  • Do the action items and oversee the team perform their tasks.
  • Deal with any issues and setbacks that occur.
  • Complete your goals and your mission.
  • Meet with your Guidance Committee and present Section 4 to the club.

Analyze Your Results

  • Analyze the final results of your project.
  • Meet with your Guidance Committee and present your project results—put emphasis on what you learned about your leadership skills in doing the project.
  • Gather signatures on your HPL award documentation then submit to Toastmasters International categorized as Educational Achievements: LDREXC (Leadership Excellence).