District 5 Speech Contestants

Toastmasters speech contests

Speech contests are an important part of the Toastmasters educational program. They provide an opportunity for Toastmasters to gain speaking experience, as well as an opportunity for other Toastmasters to learn by observing proficient speakers.

Speech Contest 101 →
Step by Step Guide →
Contest Judge 101 →

Speech Contestant Resources

Below are over 80 years worth of resources and best practices crafted within District 5. These are guides to help members succeed. The Speech Contest Rule Book from Toastmasters International is the final word and they have the final say when it comes to clarifying speech contest rules and procedures.

What are District Speech Contests?

District 5 holds its International Speech contest each year. An additional District-only contest (Humorous, Evaluation, Tall Tales, or Table Topics) is added to the delight of contestants and attendees. Contestants compete first in their clubs before moving up to Area, Division and District competitions. International Speech competitors continue on to the semifinals at the Toastmasters International Convention.

Contest Calendar


Semifinals & Finals (previous year)
Club contests (154 Clubs in District 5)


Area contests (34 Areas in District 5)


Division Contests (6 Divisions)


District Finals at the District 5 Spring Conference

Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the rules, contests, and competing clubs in your area.

Step 2: Learn what you are judged on.

Step 3: Develop and practice your speech.

Your club President and VP Education will notify you of speech contests at your Club. Should you advance to the area competition, two to six weeks before the contest the Area Director will:

  1. Notify you (and your club president) of the time and place of the contest and provide a pre-contest briefing.
  2. Provide an information packet with the contest rules at this time.
  3. Ensure that you are eligible under the contest rules.
  4. Or notify you of a disqualification if necessary.

To check contestant’s eligibility, contact the Member Services team at Toastmasters International by email at speechcontests@toastmasters.org

Speech contest kits

The kits include information on the competition, its rules and how you will be judged. Note these documents are updated annually by Toastmasters International.

Hard copies are available for purchase from Toastmasters.org.

Contestant information packet

Before each competition you will be asked by the Chief Judge or Contest Chair to provide/sign your participation and release forms. Below are the contents of the contestant information packet. The packet consists of:

  1. Speech Contest Rule Book (2020-2021)
  2. Speech Contestant Profile Form (August 2019, .pdf, item 1189)
  3. Speech Certification of Eligibility and Originality (August 2019, .pdf, item 1183)
  4. Video Release PR (August 2019, .pdf)
  5. Photo Release PR (August 2019, .pdf)
  6. Video Release for the Quarterfinals (August 2019, .pdf)

Photo by Ron Gross, 144Photos@cox.net 

  1. Each of these contests begins with competition at the club level. Club winners compete at the local Area Contest. Area Contest winners compete at the local Division Contests. Division Contest winners compete at the District Conference. The only contest that will go beyond the District level is the International Speech Contest.
  2. The International Speech Contest, which must be conducted in English only, follows all rules outlined in the General Rules section of the rulebook. In addition, the following additions and exceptions apply.
  3. The International Speech Contest begins at the club level, and proceeds through the Area, Division (if applicable), District, region quarterfinal, semifinal, and International levels. (Both semifinals and the International level are to be held at the International Convention)
    Every participant in the World Championship of Public Speaking must present an entirely new and different speech than the one presented during that year’s semifinal speech contest or any previous year’s semifinal and final-round speech contests.

In general, to be eligible for any contest, a contestant must be a member in good standing of a club in good standing (dues current). If a member belongs to more than one club, the member may enter the club contest for each club where he/she maintains good standing. However, a contestant may not represent more than one club at the area level, even if the clubs are in different Areas or Divisions. District officers may not compete in any contest.

For the International Speech Contest, the contestant must have completed six speech projects in the Competent Communication manual or a minimum of two levels in the Toastmasters Pathways learning experience.

Districts must conduct the International Speech Contest. Districts may conduct up to three additional contests (chosen from the list below). Toastmasters International recognizes and supports the following official speech contests:

  • International
  • Tall Tales
  • Evaluation
  • Humorous
  • Table Topics

In addition to the International Speech Contest, District 5 conducts one additional official contest each year that starts at the club level in September. That Contest ends at the District level during the Spring Conference (April). Ask your Area Director for more information.

A video of the winner of the District International Speech Contest will be submitted to Toastmasters International (WHQ) for the Region quarterfinal. Winners from the Region quarterfinals will move on to the semifinals at the Toastmasters International Convention held in August.

Any other Speech Contests, or speech contest-like events do NOT go beyond club level.

Please direct all questions and concerns on the District’s speech contests to: ContestQuestion@d5tm.org

  1. Contest schedules, location, contact person, and other information can be viewed on the District Calendar. Contest fliers will also be posted to the event calendar as they become available.
  2. Speech contests forms and certificates are available as FREE downloads from the District 5 website and Toastmasters International.
  3. See Toastmasters International Speech Contest Rule Book or web page for specific information on each contest and its rules and regulations.
  4. Latest changes (announced by Toastmasters International in July each year)

Photo by Ron Gross, 144Photos@cox.net